Author Archives: pauljohn

About pauljohn

Paul E. Johnson is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Kansas. He is an avid Linux User, an adequate system administrator and C programmer, and humility is one of his greatest strengths.

Katy Harriger, “Can ISC be saved?”

Claims 1. Statute did not function as intended. Should expire 2. If we need an ISC, should revise law in light of experience. Congress wanted to 1) fix conflict of interest and 2) avoid constitutional problems and be fair to … Continue reading

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Orrin Hatch, “ISC questions…”

Orrin Hatch, famous Senator, actually writes journal articles? ISC law was passed despite Constitutional questions. Like what? Attorney general can always investigate. Question is, once a special prosecutor is in place, should the president have power over that person? Hatch … Continue reading

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Zippergate trivia

Remember Susan McDougal: refused to testify against Clinton in Whitewater episode, held in jail for contempt of court for refusing. She claims Starr terrorized her and his team told her what to say, and she refused. Hale, the convicted loaner … Continue reading

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Bob Woodward, “Shadow Chapters 10-14 on Iran-Contra”

Al Shiraa published a story claiming the CIA sold weapons to Iran in return for help in releasing hostages. Funny that Howard Baker was called in to save the day for Reagan. 20 years before, Nixon railed against him and … Continue reading

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Ted Lowi, “Presidential Power”

Watergate had no real lessons! Just “don’t break the law, or don’t get caught”. Nothing else new. The Watergate episode only manifests a prevalent view of the president as an absolute leader, an embodiment of America. Anything/one against the president … Continue reading

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Archibald Cox, “Watergate and the US Constitution”

Please remember that Cox is the famous fired Special Prosecutor. He was as close to the investigation of the Nixon WH as anybody could be, for a long time. Should “Executive Privilege” be accepted as a Constitutional doctrine? What arguments … Continue reading

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Rudalevige, “New Imperial Presidency”

I clipped this part from p. 64-74 because it gives a thumbnail sketch of the Nixon administration’s most bizarre extra-legal strategies. The IRS pursues anti-Nixon political organizations The “Enemies List” is created by Colson for Nixon, told to use DOJ … Continue reading

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Dell building BIOS RPM/yum service

From the Scientific Linux user group list 2008-02-01: Jan Iven to SCIENTIFIC-LIN. show details Feb 1 (3 days ago) FYI (and perhaps not directly related to the problem at hand, and certainly not to the Windows issue): DELL tried to … Continue reading

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Reeves, “Nixon”

I worked pretty hard to cut this down to just the highlights. When you see comments about the Nixon administration, you don’t usually get actual support for the claims. This book is different, it is base on a painstaking review … Continue reading

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Johnston, “Measuring the New Corruption Rankings”

1960s style definitions. Difference between “concept” and “measurement” Validity (meaning), Reliability (stability), Precision (fineness) Level of measurement question. Are the numbers meaningful? How compare across time/countries? First Generation measures: Sample survey tools Focus on Transparency International’s CPI What is the … Continue reading

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