Gambit packages updated

Linux packages for Gambit were built yesterday. All of these do install and I'm able to open the Gambit GUI and create a game. I compiled with no special arguments, these may not include all of the features you want. If I got that wrong, email me at I'm willing to do this once again, but only if you ask:).

The RPM for EL7 systems can be found in the repo described here:

but if you just want the RPM, get them here:

If you are in different flavor of Linux, maybe you rebuild the SRPM instead:

I also built packages for Ubuntu/Debian systems. I was uncertain at first if the stable version of Gambit is 13.1.2 or 14.1.0, and so I made both. Get the deb files in these directories

I am struck once again by how incredibly baroque and cumbersome the Debian packaging process has become. Its too bad. I did not build an apt repo, there's no straightforward way to do that. Again, too bad.

This Gambit compile did not produce any shared libraries, which improves the chances that one can run them on similar, but not identical, Linuxes. I'm almost certain these will install & run on Debian or Ubuntu-based Mint. If not, all of the stuff to rebuild is uploaded in the same directory.

This version of Gambit does require the wxWidgets 2.8 or newer. In the end, I used the newest ones I could get more-or-less easily. I used the wx from the EPEL repo on the EL7 system. That provided:


It appears to me I may have been conservative there, I did not intentionally avoid the packages named wxGTK3 on EPEL, I simply took the first set I understood. If you require RPM based on wxGTK3, I think i can do it. Just let me know.

On the Ubuntu system, the wx 3.x is available in the default repositories. However, there is an allegation of an unpatched bug (which I've not experienced). Currently, I'm running with these packages:


Note the last one is the "unofficial" version, that's an update from the non-base repo. In my heart, I don't think you really need that, but I was feeling compulsive and downloaded it from the wx home site. If you want your Ubuntu to work exactly like mine, you can install this repo

deb utopic universe

I found that by Mr. Google, same way you would, I expect ( leads you to which leads to

There is an open question on how to package some working examples and make them easy for users of these packages. I've asked in the gambit email list. In the olden days, I recall packging up the Gambit test programs with this and telling users how to run from the command line to test the calculations. I can't find any evidence of that now, however. It would be nice if we could set this up to install some examples that are supposed to run. Maybe call them templates or whatnot. They may be in the source code now, but I'm too careless to find them. What do you think?

I promised one user I'd demonstrate steps to compile Gambit on EL7.

I did a "manual compile" as a non-root user that installed into /tmp, for exploration. The session was in an Emacs shell, here it is, errors and all:

I had to install wxWidgets devel support from the EPEL repository. In case you want to see what the RPM building process does, here is the output

About pauljohn

Paul E. Johnson is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Kansas. He is an avid Linux User, an adequate system administrator and C programmer, and humility is one of his greatest strengths.
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