Author Archives: pauljohn

About pauljohn

Paul E. Johnson is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Kansas. He is an avid Linux User, an adequate system administrator and C programmer, and humility is one of his greatest strengths.

Subversion and my course notes/hanouts

I’ve started an SVN archive where I’m going to be putting my source code for handouts and lectures, so if you want the LyX or R files for that stuff, you can have it. But you need to sign up … Continue reading

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svnsync to mirror a subversion repository

I learned today that http access to my svn server was restricted to the campus. I want to share to the world, as described svnsync is supposed to make this possible. I’ve not done it before, seems more complicated … Continue reading

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Subversion Writeup for CRMDA

Version Control Systems and Subversion (SVN) Paul Johnson Nov. 11, 2010 1 Analogy For Microsoft Word Users I often forget that the people I’m trying to help have a completely different experience than I do. I often plunge into a massive … Continue reading

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Windows updates to enable PGP signature email/file encryption

I don’t want to forget this, so here goes. To enable use of PGP encryption on windows for Free, the following route will work. 1. Install the OpenPGP for windows. The One I used is gpg4win-2.0.4.exe Right click that, “run … Continue reading

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Winbind Logins on Centos 55

How to set up Winbind logins Remove the samba- packages, get sambax, including sambax-winbind, from Centos Updates. Then Hit it! 1. Put /etc/samba/smb.conf like so: =========== [global] workgroup = HOME password server = ad-home-1 ad-home-2 realm = HOME.KU.EDU security = … Continue reading

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Drivel client -> Movable Type -> Word Press? With LaTeX

Here: It says you can put in latex code like \(\sum_{i=0}^{i=N}(\frac{1}{N}(x_i – \hat{mu})^2\) I wonder if that works?

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Coercion of items in vector: peril and promise

### Filename: plotMathProblem.R ### Paul Johnson July 7, 2010 ### email me ### This is a tail of “coercion” of items in vectors. ### Run this code through and see if you can explain the ### puzzle at the end. … Continue reading

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gconftool to fix title bar buttons (Ubuntu 10.04 lucid)

Wow. Ubuntu 10.04 puts the buttons on the left. How peculiar. Why? It is easy to customize them, put them where you like. I prefer WindowMaker style, with minimize on left, close on right. This does it: Caution: straight quotes … Continue reading

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gconftool-2 tips

In the lab, I don’t ever want to see the “spatial” nautilus again. On any system, for any user. This works: ****WATCH OUT**** these are “double dashes” but browser shows as single long dash! sudo gconftool-2 –direct –config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory –type … Continue reading

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Tips on insalling Latex Packages in TexLive

I usually just stop at texhash. I’ve run into trouble with fonts before and the fix wa udpmap-sys, but I did not realize that is part of a general recipe for Latex packages. In Lyx help list, Gunter recommended: This … Continue reading

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