Author Archives: pauljohn

About pauljohn

Paul E. Johnson is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Kansas. He is an avid Linux User, an adequate system administrator and C programmer, and humility is one of his greatest strengths.

OpenBUGS 3.3.2 Linux Packages

Greetings, Linux users of OpenBUGS I’ve been contributing Linux packages for OpenBUGS over the last couple of years. Its something I do for fun, not “my job”. As usual, if these don’t work, email me with details, I’ll try to … Continue reading

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Debian recollection: remember when your laptop could not reboot?

Remember that “I can’t reboot” problem has hit all of the Dell laptop on which I’ve installed Debian Linux 6. The symptom is that the screen froze after initiating a reboot. You might wait forever and it would not change. … Continue reading

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Stable Debian, new R

To get the new R with the Debian stable, here’s what you do. In your system’s directory for addon repositories, /etc/apt/sources.list.d, you create a file with a name “R.list” (must be “list” on the end” and in there you … Continue reading

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KU’s digicert SMIME email; my memo

Here’s the gist of it: You can sign up through KU for a Digicert certificate to secure email within KU. There’s no excuse anymore for sending secure information in email without encryption. Longer explanation For securing email communications, there are … Continue reading

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iwlwifi head’s up: kernel 3.2 problems

I run Debian testing and the kernel upgraded to 3.2 a while ago. I’ve had the problem that my dell laptop with Centrino wireless card can’t join wireless networks, Like others, I had mistaken this for a network-manager problem because … Continue reading

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R … dot-dot-dot arguments

Working with dot-dot-dot has been a challenge. I would not have understood this post by Gabor Grothenieck in r-help on 2011-10-9, but I do now! And I’m so happy! ” Suppose we wish to call f with the control.list components … Continue reading

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Firefox 4 will drive you insane. Maybe

FF4 is OK, but they have made some changes I absolutely hate. They hide some menu items, for no particular reason. And they swapped the “New Window” and “New Tab” items in the right click. People respond “install the menu-editor … Continue reading

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Create RPMs for yourself

create ~/.rpmmacros: [pauljohn@pols12 ~]$ cat .rpmmacros %_topdir /home/pauljohn/LinuxDownloads/redhat %_signature gpg %_gpg_name Paul Johnson %_unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0 2. Make the directory mkdir -p ~/LinuxDownloads/redhat 3. Install rpmbuild program $ yum install rpm-build 4. Download the SRPM file of something you want to … Continue reading

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Mplus File transfer utility

Don’t Forget to try: N2Mplus Can convert Excel and SPSS -> Mplus.

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Multiple Imputation: SEM & diagnostics

Here: I found this: Bruce A. Cooper posted on Monday, March 19, 2007 – 5:59 pm Thanks, Linda – Here are some references that you may find useful. I haven’t gotten the Statistics in Medicine reference yet, but Don … Continue reading

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