Category Archives: Linux

Dell building BIOS RPM/yum service

From the Scientific Linux user group list 2008-02-01: Jan Iven to SCIENTIFIC-LIN. show details Feb 1 (3 days ago) FYI (and perhaps not directly related to the problem at hand, and certainly not to the Windows issue): DELL tried to … Continue reading

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Good Fedora Linux install guide

This is quite thorough. Also I’ve referred to many times to the “Tips and Tricks” series. This has been up since Fedora 1, I think.

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Firefox and plugin problems in x86_64

On x86_64, most plugins don’t work. I tried the wrapper thing and could not watch flash. Don’t want to remove firefox.x86_64, even though that’s what most people seem to do. Then they just run firefox.i386. Don’t want to do that … Continue reading

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Using gpg to encrypt files. Great web page

From “” Notes for using GPG to encrypt and decrypt backup files GPG allows you to use public-private key encryption to encrypt and decrypt files on Windows and Linux. The benefit of public-private key encryption is that you can keep … Continue reading

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Swap fixups, concerning Read-error on swap device

Mike Lord wrote 2007-08-29 > Read-error on swap-device (8:0:99814256) … Looks like a bad sector in the swap partition. You can probably repair it by using this sequence of commands: swapoff /dev/sdX /dev/sdX mkswap /dev/sdX swapon /dev/sdX If it recurs … Continue reading

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