Professor | Dept. of Political Science |
Assoc. Director | Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis | pauljohn at |
The guides folder is a mirror of a Subversion repository, and I put the WorkingExamples in there on 2013-02-01 in order to better police my own litle changes to the examples. The R/WorkingExamples folder and the Rcourse/WorkingExamples folder are the exact same material.
The guides hierarchy includes several large sections
Name Last modified Size DescriptionParent Directory -
figure/ 2016-10-08 11:58 - 00-top-boilerplate.R 2013-02-10 22:51 140 R code (script) distributions-gamma-01.R 2014-08-07 14:42 354 R code (script) iteration-sapply-1.R 2013-06-02 22:11 615 R code (script) factor-caution-1.R 2013-05-18 12:59 649 R code (script) distributions-gamma-03.R 2014-08-07 14:48 762 R code (script) distributions-poisson-03.R 2013-02-10 22:08 766 R code (script) distributions-gamma-02.R 2014-08-07 14:56 813 R code (script) distributions-poisson-02.R 2013-02-10 22:08 813 R code (script) regression-MARS-1.R 2014-05-28 15:40 940 R code (script) efficiency-vectorize.R 2013-02-10 22:57 1.0K R code (script) plot-histogramWithLinesAndLegend.R 2013-02-10 22:55 1.1K R code (script) distributions-Poisson-1.R 2013-02-08 10:31 1.1K R code (script) regression-log-on-right-1.R 2013-04-11 19:00 1.1K R code (script) plot-math_functions-1.R 2010-06-21 09:36 1.3K R code (script) programming-parse-eval-1.R 2013-02-22 22:30 1.5K R code (script) plot-plotmath-06-substitute.R 2013-02-21 19:39 1.5K R code (script) distributions-poisson-01.R 2013-02-10 22:06 1.5K R code (script) regression-simulateSampling-1.R 2014-08-07 15:46 1.6K R code (script) plot-plotmath-01.R 2013-04-24 09:48 1.6K R code (script) plot-layout-1.R 2010-06-21 09:15 1.8K R code (script) glm-logit-simulation-1.R 2013-02-10 23:11 1.8K R code (script) plot-identify_points-1.R 2013-02-08 08:31 1.9K R code (script) data-merge-2.R 2013-07-24 00:08 2.1K R code (script) regression-simulateSampling-2.R 2014-08-08 08:11 2.1K R code (script) distributions-gamma-04.R 2014-08-07 14:47 2.1K R code (script) plot-Normal-1.R 2013-02-06 22:23 2.1K R code (script) plot-3d-MVNormal-1.R 2013-02-08 08:52 2.2K R code (script) plot-plotmath-02b.R 2013-05-18 19:14 2.3K R code (script) plot-plotmath-02.R 2013-02-06 22:38 2.4K R code (script) programming-createVariableNames-1.R 2014-08-07 15:40 2.5K R code (script) data-merge-1.R 2013-07-23 23:31 2.6K R code (script) regression-specificationTests-01.R 2014-08-07 15:53 2.6K R code (script) regression-doublelog.R 2013-04-11 18:35 2.7K R code (script) plot-3d-various-1.R 2014-08-07 15:36 2.7K R code (script) distributions-GammaVersusNormal-1.R 2014-08-06 12:07 2.9K R code (script) glm-logit-plotPrediction-1.R 2014-05-01 21:13 2.9K R code (script) distributions-poisson-04.R 2014-08-07 15:26 3.3K R code (script) glm-logit-compareLinks-1.R 2014-08-07 15:16 3.5K R code (script) plot-Normal-2-clt.R 2014-07-31 08:24 3.9K R code (script) plot-plotmath-05-label_trouble.R 2010-07-08 20:24 4.0K R code (script) data-array-2.R 2013-07-10 20:30 4.0K R code (script) glm-logit-unbalanced-1.R 2014-08-06 13:20 4.2K R code (script) regression-plot-factor-02.R 2014-08-07 15:43 4.5K R code (script) regression-plot-factor-01.R 2014-08-05 07:40 4.9K R code (script) efficiency-slowFunctionCalls-01.R 2011-03-09 16:00 5.2K R code (script) plot-plotmath-03-Normal.R 2014-07-31 08:26 5.9K R code (script) efficiency-stackListItems-01.R 2012-02-12 20:57 5.9K R code (script) data-aggregate-1.R 2013-07-30 11:52 6.7K R code (script) regression-predictedPlots-02.R 2014-08-06 07:50 6.9K R code (script) plot-plotmath-04-diagnosis.R 2016-10-08 11:58 7.2K R code (script) plot-barplot-1.R 2013-05-19 22:22 7.2K R code (script) data-array-1.R 2013-07-10 22:11 7.3K R code (script) plot-xspline.R 2014-07-31 08:23 7.5K R code (script) distributions-normalAndTCompared.R 2014-08-06 12:12 8.0K R code (script) regression-orderedFactor-01.R 2006-01-03 21:49 8.0K R code (script) Normal-2013.pdf 2013-05-12 06:28 8.4K Adobe Portable Document plot-barplot-2.R 2014-08-05 07:34 8.7K R code (script) plot-drawHist-01.R 2014-07-31 08:22 8.9K R code (script) regression-orderedFactor-01-moreverbose.R 2020-11-23 15:30 9.1K R code (script) regression-predictedPlots-01.R 2014-08-05 08:00 9.3K R code (script) regression-predictedPlots-03.R 2014-09-19 14:07 10K R code (script) factor-caution-1.html 2014-07-31 08:29 14K efficiency-vectorize.html 2014-07-31 08:29 14K regression-quadratic-1.R 2014-08-05 08:41 15K R code (script) plot-critical_regions-1.R 2014-02-17 15:50 15K R code (script) programming-parse-eval-1.html 2014-07-31 08:32 17K data-merge-1.html 2014-07-31 08:27 19K efficiency-stackListItems-01.html 2014-07-31 08:29 21K plot-plotmath-06-substitute.html 2014-07-31 08:32 21K programming-createVariableNames-1.html 2014-08-07 15:44 22K data-array-2.html 2014-07-31 08:27 22K plot-plotmath-02.html 2014-07-31 08:32 24K regression-simulateSampling-1.html 2014-08-07 15:47 26K data-aggregate-1.html 2014-07-31 08:27 26K plot-plotmath-05-label_trouble.html 2014-07-31 08:32 27K regression-orderedFactor-01.html 2014-07-31 08:32 28K distributions-poisson-02.html 2014-07-31 08:27 28K plot-plotmath-02b.html 2014-07-31 08:32 28K distributions-gamma-02.html 2014-08-07 14:56 30K data-array-1.html 2014-07-31 08:27 31K data-merge-2.html 2014-07-31 08:27 32K distributions-gamma-01.html 2014-08-07 14:42 33K distributions-gamma-03.html 2014-08-07 14:56 33K iteration-sapply-1.html 2014-07-31 08:30 34K distributions-poisson-03.html 2014-07-31 08:27 36K regression-log-on-right-1.html 2014-07-31 08:32 37K plot-layout-1.html 2014-07-31 08:32 37K plot-histogramWithLinesAndLegend.html 2014-07-31 08:32 38K distributions-poisson-01.html 2014-07-31 08:27 39K distributions-gamma-04.html 2014-08-07 14:56 39K regression-simulateSampling-2.html 2014-08-08 08:11 40K plot-plotmath-03-Normal.html 2014-07-31 08:32 46K glm-logit-unbalanced-1.html 2014-08-06 13:22 52K glm-logit-simulation-1.html 2014-07-31 08:29 53K distributions-Poisson-1.html 2014-07-31 08:27 59K regression-plot-factor-02.html 2014-08-07 15:44 61K plot-identify_points-1.html 2014-07-31 08:32 63K normalAndTcompared-1.png 2016-05-14 08:19 68K distributions-poisson-04.html 2014-08-07 15:27 74K regression-plot-factor-01.html 2014-08-05 07:40 96K glm-logit-compareLinks-1.html 2014-08-07 15:27 105K plot-xspline.html 2014-07-31 08:32 106K plot-math_functions-1.html 2014-07-31 08:32 109K regression-specificationTests-01.html 2014-08-07 15:54 110K plot-Normal-1.html 2014-07-31 08:32 118K regression-MARS-1.html 2014-07-31 08:32 120K plot-plotmath-01.html 2014-07-31 08:32 125K regression-predictedPlots-02.html 2014-08-06 07:51 128K plot-Normal-2-clt.html 2014-07-31 08:32 140K distributions-GammaVersusNormal-1.html 2014-08-06 12:07 142K plot-barplot-1.html 2014-07-31 08:31 166K glm-logit-plotPrediction-1.html 2014-07-31 08:29 171K plot-plotmath-04-diagnosis.html 2016-10-08 11:58 174K distributions-normalAndTCompared.html 2014-08-06 12:12 262K plot-3d-various-1.html 2014-08-07 15:36 343K regression-predictedPlots-03.html 2014-09-19 14:08 368K plot-drawHist-01.html 2014-07-31 08:32 456K regression-doublelog.html 2014-07-31 08:32 531K plot-critical_regions-1.html 2014-07-31 08:32 596K plot-barplot-2.html 2014-08-05 07:34 615K regression-quadratic-1.html 2014-08-05 08:41 629K regression-predictedPlots-01.html 2014-08-05 08:24 662K plot-3d-MVNormal-1.html 2014-07-31 08:31 1.1M
Copyright Paul E. Johnson, 2000-2013.
This material is made available under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 or later (at your option). Others are free to use this material in their projects, as long as their source code is made available as well.
This software and documentation is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.