### Filename: Normal1_2008.R
### Paul Johnson March 31, 2008
### This code should be available somewhere in http://pj.freefaculty.org. If it is not
### email me <pauljohn@ku.edu>
mymean <- 0
mystd <- 1.5
myx <- seq( mymean - 3*mystd, mymean+ 3*mystd, length.out=500)
myDensity <- dnorm(myx,mean=mymean,sd=mystd)
plot(myx, myDensity, type="n", xlab="X", ylab="Probability Density ")
lines(myx,myDensity,lty=4, col=4) ### change line type & color if you want
#maybe broaden out x
myx <- seq( mymean - 6*mystd, mymean+ 6*mystd, length.out=500)
myDensity <- dnorm(myx,mean=mymean,sd=mystd)
plot(myx, myDensity, type="n", xlab="X", ylab="Probability Density ")
lines(myx,myDensity,lty=4, col=4) ### change line type & color if you want
plot(myx, myDensity, type="n", xlab="X",ylab="Probability Density Function")
lines(myx, myDensity )
myCumulProb <- pnorm(myx, mean=mymean, sd=mystd)
plot(myx, myCumulProb, type="n", xlab="X", ylab="Cumulative Distribution Function")
lines(myx,myCumulProb,lty=4, col=4) ### change line type & color if you want
# What does one random sample from this distribution look like?
mySample <- rnorm(50, mean = mymean, sd = mystd)
hist(mySample, freq=FALSE, xlab="x", main="Histogram and Density of one Sample")
hist(mySample, freq=FALSE, xlab="x", main="Histogram and Density of one Sample", breaks=20)
# Compare against true probabilities
## 4 lines simply re-do previous 4, in case you closed the graph already.
mySample <- rnorm(50, mean = mymean, sd = mystd)
hist(mySample, freq=FALSE, xlab="x", main="Histogram and Density of one Sample", breaks=20)
xrange <- seq(min(mySample), max(mySample), by=0.1)
trueProbs <- dnorm(xrange,mean=mymean,sd=mystd)
lines( xrange, trueProbs, lty=6, col=4, lwd=2)
hist (mySample, freq=F, xlab="X", main= paste("Normal Sample (50 Observations)\n Mean=", mymean, "Std.Dev=", mystd))
t1 <- bquote( mu== .(mymean))
t2 <- bquote( sigma== .(mystd))
hist (mySample, freq=F, xlab="X", main= t1 )
mtext(t2, 3)