Chapter 1. Introduction

Table of Contents
1.1. Basic Facts About Swarm
1.2. Swarm is a Dynamic Platform
1.3. Prerequisites for Success with Swarm.

The Swarm project was started in 1994 by Chris Langton, then at Santa Fe Institute (SFI)in New Mexico. It is currently based at the non-for-profit organization, Swarm Development Group also based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The aim was to develop both a vocabulary and a set of standard computer tools for the development of multi-agent simulation models (so-called ABMs, short for Agent-Based Models). Armed with this framework, researchers are able to focus on the substance of the modeling task, avoiding some of the complicated details of computer coding.

The Swarm project has benefitted from the contributions of many programmers, including Roger Burkhart, Nelson Minar, Manor Askenazi, Glen Ropella, Sven Thommesen, Marcus Daniels, Alex Lancaster, Vladimir Jojic, and Irene Lee.

1.1. Basic Facts About Swarm

Swarm is a collection of software libraries which provide support for simulation programming. Among the most prominent features are the following.

Users build simulations by incorporating Swarm objects in their own programs. Users are encouraged to study a number of tutorial examples in order to make full use of the Swarm libraries and the strategy of modeling that inspires them.