Current Position
Associate Research Scientist, Computer Lab Dir., Center for the Study of Complex Systems, U of M
Educational Background
Univ of Michigan, Computer Science, Ph.D., 1988
Univ of Michigan, Molecular Biology, B.S., 1972
Address: | Center for the Study of Complex Systems |
4485 Randall Lab Bldg, Univ of Michigan | |
Ann Arbor | |
MI | |
48109-1120 | |
Agent Based Modeling of Complex Adaptive SystemsReferencesEvolutionary Algorithms
Evolution and Co-Evolution of Cooperation
Urban development and sprawl
Interaction Topology
(Search found 17 references)
Axelrod, Robert; Riolo, Rick L.; Cohen, Michael D. 2002. Beyond Geography: Cooperation with persistent links in the absence ofclustered neighborhoods. Personality and Social Psychology Review 2002(6): 341 - 346.Brown, Daniel G.; Page, Scott E.; Riolo, Rick; Rand, William. 2002. Modeling the Effects of Greenbelts at the Urban-Rural Fringe. iEMSs 2002(0): .
URL:, Enrique; Riolo, Rick L. 2002. Computer Mediated Communication and Organizational Culture: An Agent-based Simulation Model. Submitted to Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory 0(0): .
Canessa, Enrique; Riolo, Rick L. 2002. Computer Mediated Communication and Organizational Culture: An Agent-based Simulation Model. Submitted to Agent-Based Simulation 4 (ABS2003) 0(0): .
Cohen, Michael D.; Riolo, Rick L.; Axelrod, Robert. 2001. The Role of Social Structure in the Maintenance of Cooperative Regimes. Rationality and Society 2001(13): 5 - 32.
Cohen, Michael D.; Riolo , Rick L. ; Axelrod, Robert. 1999. The Emergence of Social Organization in the Prisoners' Dilemma: How Context-Preservation and other Factors Promote Cooperation.
URL:, Yi; Riolo, Rick; Savit, Robert. 2000. Evolution in Minority Games. I. Games with a Fixed Strategy Space. Physica A 2000(276): 234 - 264.
Li, Yi; Riolo, Rick; Savit, Robert. 2000. Evolution in Minority Games II. Games with Variable Strategy Spaces. Physica A 2000(276): 265 - 283.
Manuca, Radu; Li, Yi; Riolo, Rick; Savit, Robert. 1998. The structure of adaptive competition in minority games.
URL:, H.V.D.; Savit, R.; and Riolo, R. L. 1998.Agent-Based Modeling vs. Equation-Based Modeling: A Case Study and Users' Guide. In Multi-agent systems and Agent-based Simulation (MABS, Sichman, Conte, and Gilbert, ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, .
Rand, W; Zellner, M; Page, S. E.; Riolo, R; Brown, D. G.; Fernandez, L. E. 2002. The Complex Interaction of Agents and Environments: An Example in Urban Sprawl. Agent 2002(0): .
URL:, William; Brown, Daniel G.; Page, Scott E.; Riolo, Rick; Fernandez, Luis E.; Zellner, Moira. 2003. Statistical Validation of Spatial Patterns in Agent-Based Models. Submitted to Agent-Based Simulation 4(0): .
URL:, R.; Cohen, M. D.; Axelrod, R. 2003.Tags, Interaction Patterns and the Evolution of Cooperation. In Perspectives on Adaptation, Evolution, and Complex Adaptive Systems, Booker, L.; Forrest, S.; Mitchell, M.; Riolo, R., ed. Boston, MA: Addison-Wessley, .
Riolo, Rick L.; Axelrod, Robert; Cohen, Michael D. 2001. The evolution of cooperation without reciprocity. Nature 22(414): 441 - 443.
Riolo; Axelrod; Cohen. 2002. Behavioural Evolution (Communication arising): Does similarity breed cooperation? Nature 1(418): 499 - 500.
Savit, Robert; Manuca, Radu; Li, Yi; Riolo, Rick. 1998. The Dynamics of Minority competition. UM Center for Study of Complex Systems Working Paper 98(0): .
URL:, Robert; Manuca, Radu; Riolo, Rick. 1998. Adaptive competition, market efficiency, phase transitions, and spin glasses.
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