Description: The cystfibr data frame has 25 rows and 10 columns. It contains lung function data for cystic fibrosis patients (7-23 years old). Variable Names: age: a numeric vector, age in years. sex: a numeric vector code, 0=male, 1=female. height: a numeric vector, height (cm). weight: a numeric vector, weight (kg). bmp: a numeric vector, body mass (% of normal). fev1: a numeric vector, forced expiratory volume. rv: a numeric vector, residual volume. frc: a numeric vector, functional residual capacity. tlc: a numeric vector, total lung capacity. pemax: a numeric vector, maximum expiratory pressure (Dependent variable). Source: D.G. Altman (1991), Practical Statistics for Medical Research, Table 12.11, Chapman & Hall. References: O'Neill et al. (1983), The effects of chronic hyperinflation, nutritional status, and posture on respiratory muscle strength in cystic fibrosis, Am. Rev. Respir. Dis., 128:1051-1054. Authorization: free use Also available in the R package ISwR.