Surveys Measuring Wellbeing
High School & Beyond
Description   The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is mandated to "collect and disseminate statistics and other data related to education in the United States". Specific areas of interest include the educational, vocational, and personal development of young people starting with their primary or secondary school years, and following them as they move into adult roles and responsibilities. To this end, it has initiated several large scale studies in which a cohort is studied at regular intervals over several years. The studies attempt to gather comparable data so that education and labor trends can be studied using the data from several cohorts. The first of these studies was the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 (NLS-72). The NLS-72 consisted of a cohort of about 19,000 students who were high school seniors in 1972.

High School and Beyond (HS&B) included two cohorts: the 1980 senior class, and the 1980 sophomore class. It was designed to build on NLS-72 by studying high school seniors and by replicating many survey items. In addition, the sophomore cohort was added so that choices and changes made between 10th and 12th grades could be tracked. Finally, HS&B added survey items on many life cycle factors, such as family formation and social participation.

Waves/Rounds   Both cohorts were surveyed every two years starting with the Base Year (BY), 1980 through the 3rd Follow-up (FU3) in 1986. The 1980 sophomore class was also surveyed again in the 4th Follow-up (FU4) in 1992.

Components/Instruments (only for Sophomore cohort)

  • Sophomore cohort questionnaire (BY-FU4)
  • Not-currently in high school questionnaire (FU1)
  • Transfer and Early Graduate Supplements (FU1)
  • Student identification pages (BY)
  • Cognitive tests (BY and FU1)
  • School questionnaire (FU1)
  • Teacher comment checklist (BY)
  • Parent questionnaire (mailed to a sample of parents during BY and FU1)

  • Funding and administration NELS:88 was sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics, Department of Defense, National Science Foundation, Department of Health and Human Services and other U.S. Education Department offices. The Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Language Affairs and the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) within the Department of Education provided additional support for the Hispanic supplement. The survey firm was the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago.


    Zahs, D., Pedlow, S., Morrissey, M., Marnell, P., Nichols, B. 1995. High School and Beyond Fourth Follow-Up Methodology Report. Prepared by the National Opinion Research Center for the National Center for Education Statistics.

    Other HS&B publications are available here.


    Modi, Manisha.  "High School and Beyond."  Surveys measuring well-being.  9/14/00.  Internet document:

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