Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) Example in lavaan - 02

Chong Xing, Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis, University of Kansas <>

Please visit

Keywords: Linear Regression, Path Analysis, Mediation, R, lavaan

2019 January 24


This guide outlines how fit two path models in R using the lavaan package. The first example shows how to specify and estimate an indirect effect (or mediation) model using lavaan with bootstrapped standard errors. The second example demonstrates how to fit the same model for two groups.

Package and Data

Load the lavaan package at the beginning of the session

This is lavaan 0.6-3
lavaan is BETA software! Please report any bugs.

The data file is read in, columns are named, and missing values are specified.

dat <- read.csv("../../data/job_placement.csv", header = FALSE)
colnames(dat) <- c("id", "wjcalc", "wjspl", "wratspl", "wratcalc",
                   "waiscalc", "waisspl", "edlevel", "newschl",
                   "suspend", "expelled", "haveld", "gender", "age")
dat[dat == 99999] <- NA
dat$gender <- as.factor(dat$gender)
levels(dat$gender) <- c("Male", "Female")

A Path Model in lavaan

This model contains one outcome variable “wjspl”, one predictor variable “age”, and one mediator variable “edlevel”. The hypothesis being tested is that the influence of age on wjspl can be explained (or partially explained) by edlevel.

model.path <-
    ' wjspl ~ c*age     ## the c path - the direct path from IV to DV
      wjspl ~ b*edlevel ## the b path - the direct path from mediator to DV
      edlevel ~ a*age   ## the a path - the direct path from IV to mediator
      ab := a*b         ## using := operator to create ab (the indirect effect)
      total := c + a*b  ## using := operator to create total effect

This fits the model using the sem function and returns an output summary. Bootstrapped standard errors (1000 bootstrapped draws) are requested.

output.path <- sem(model = model.path, data = dat, se = "bootstrap",
                   bootstrap = 1000)
Warning in lavaan(slotOptions = lavoptions, slotParTable = lavpartable, :
lavaan WARNING: the optimizer warns that a solution has NOT been found!

Warning in lavaan(slotOptions = lavoptions, slotParTable = lavpartable, :
lavaan WARNING: the optimizer warns that a solution has NOT been found!

Warning in lavaan(slotOptions = lavoptions, slotParTable = lavpartable, :
lavaan WARNING: the optimizer warns that a solution has NOT been found!

Warning in lavaan(slotOptions = lavoptions, slotParTable = lavpartable, :
lavaan WARNING: the optimizer warns that a solution has NOT been found!

Warning in lavaan(slotOptions = lavoptions, slotParTable = lavpartable, :
lavaan WARNING: the optimizer warns that a solution has NOT been found!

Warning in lavaan(slotOptions = lavoptions, slotParTable = lavpartable, :
lavaan WARNING: the optimizer warns that a solution has NOT been found!

Warning in lavaan(slotOptions = lavoptions, slotParTable = lavpartable, :
lavaan WARNING: the optimizer warns that a solution has NOT been found!

Warning in lavaan(slotOptions = lavoptions, slotParTable = lavpartable, :
lavaan WARNING: the optimizer warns that a solution has NOT been found!

Warning in lavaan(slotOptions = lavoptions, slotParTable = lavpartable, :
lavaan WARNING: the optimizer warns that a solution has NOT been found!
Warning in bootstrap.internal(object = NULL, lavmodel. = lavmodel,
lavsamplestats. = lavsamplestats, : lavaan WARNING: only 990 bootstrap
draws were successful
lavaan 0.6-3 ended normally after 24 iterations

  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of free parameters                          5

                                                  Used       Total
  Number of observations                           320         322

  Estimator                                         ML
  Model Fit Test Statistic                       0.000
  Degrees of freedom                                 0
  Minimum Function Value               0.0000000000000

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard Errors                            Bootstrap
  Number of requested bootstrap draws             1000
  Number of successful bootstrap draws             990

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  wjspl ~                                             
    age        (c)    0.440    0.243    1.811    0.070
    edlevel    (b)    1.226    0.364    3.367    0.001
  edlevel ~                                           
    age        (a)    0.269    0.037    7.366    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .wjspl            46.890    3.502   13.389    0.000
   .edlevel           1.360    0.104   13.130    0.000

Defined Parameters:
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    ab                0.330    0.106    3.113    0.002
    total             0.770    0.218    3.522    0.000

A Multiple-Group Path Model in lavaan

The same path model can be estimated for multiple groups (e.g., gender).

model.path.2 <-
    ' wjspl ~ c(b1, b2)*edlevel + c(c1, c2)*age ## separate b and c paths for two groups
      edlevel ~ c(a1, a2)*age                   ## separate a paths for two groups

      a1b1 := a1*b1 ## the indirect effect for group 1
      a2b2 := a2*b2 ## the indirect effect for group 2

      total1 := c1 + a1*b1 ## the total effect for group 1
      total2 := c2 + a2*b2 ## the total effect for group 2

This fits the model using the sem function and returns an output summary. Bootstrapped standard errors (1000 bootstrapped draws) are requested. The indirect and the total effects are estimated simultaneously for two groups.

output.path.2 <- sem(model = model.path.2, data = dat, se = "bootstrap",
                     bootstrap = 1000, group = "gender")
lavaan 0.6-3 ended normally after 60 iterations

  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of free parameters                         14

  Number of observations per group         
  Female                                           101
  Male                                             219

  Estimator                                         ML
  Model Fit Test Statistic                       0.000
  Degrees of freedom                                 0
  Minimum Function Value               0.0000000000000

Chi-square for each group:

  Female                                         0.000
  Male                                           0.000

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard Errors                            Bootstrap
  Number of requested bootstrap draws             1000
  Number of successful bootstrap draws            1000

Group 1 [Female]:

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  wjspl ~                                             
    edlevel   (b1)    1.810    0.569    3.184    0.001
    age       (c1)    0.471    0.402    1.172    0.241
  edlevel ~                                           
    age       (a1)    0.265    0.057    4.644    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .wjspl            13.339    6.757    1.974    0.048
   .edlevel           5.678    1.135    5.001    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .wjspl            41.686    5.149    8.096    0.000
   .edlevel           1.426    0.171    8.355    0.000

Group 2 [Male]:

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  wjspl ~                                             
    edlevel   (b2)    1.031    0.427    2.417    0.016
    age       (c2)    0.385    0.317    1.214    0.225
  edlevel ~                                           
    age       (a2)    0.272    0.045    6.087    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .wjspl            22.293    5.386    4.139    0.000
   .edlevel           5.852    0.893    6.551    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .wjspl            48.374    4.388   11.023    0.000
   .edlevel           1.299    0.124   10.474    0.000

Defined Parameters:
                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
    a1b1              0.479    0.191    2.502    0.012
    a2b2              0.280    0.120    2.336    0.020
    total1            0.951    0.358    2.657    0.008
    total2            0.665    0.283    2.350    0.019

Session Info

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
Platform: x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)

Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /usr/lib64/R/lib/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] lavaan_0.6-3        stationery_0.98.5.7

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.0      digest_0.6.18   plyr_1.8.4      xtable_1.8-3   
 [5] magrittr_1.5    stats4_3.5.1    evaluate_0.12   zip_1.0.0      
 [9] stringi_1.2.4   pbivnorm_0.6.0  openxlsx_4.1.0  rmarkdown_1.11 
[13] tools_3.5.1     stringr_1.3.1   foreign_0.8-71  kutils_1.59    
[17] yaml_2.2.0      xfun_0.4        compiler_3.5.1  mnormt_1.5-5   
[21] htmltools_0.3.6 knitr_1.21     

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