Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Alcohol Use
ML Estimates with Numeric Data and Listwise Deletion of Missing Values
Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis, University of Kansas
Table of Contents
1 Title Command
TITLE: Example 7 Health Behavior in School Children Confirmatory Factor Analysis with Continuous Data using MLR 1-Factor CFA Model for Alcohol;
2 Data Command
DATA: FILE IS "../../../data/hbsc-subset2/hbsc-subset2.dat"; LISTWISE ON;
3 Variable Command
VARIABLE: NAMES ARE stud_id schl_id Gender Age Grade body1r body2 body3r body4 body5r phyhlth1 phyhlth2 phyhlth3 phyhlth4 phyhlth5 phyhlth6 phyhlth7 phyhlth8 Depress1 Depress2 Depress3 Depress4 Depress5 Depress6 Bullied1 Bullied2 Bullied3 Bullied4 Bullied5 Bullied6 Bullied7 Bullied8 Bullied9 Bullier1 Bullier2 Bullier3 Bullier4 Bullier5 Bullier6 Bullier7 Bullier8 Bullier9 Alc1 Alc2 Alc3 Alc4 Alc5; USEVARIABLES ARE Alc1-Alc5; USEOBSERVATIONS ARE (Grade == 6 OR Grade == 7); MISSING ARE all(-999);
4 Analysis
5 Model Command
MODEL: Alcohol BY Alc1* Alc2-Alc5; Alcohol@1;
6 Output Command
7 Run the Model
mplus cfa-alcohol-ML-listwise.inp
Mplus VERSION 8 (Linux) MUTHEN & MUTHEN Running input file 'cfa-alcohol-ML-listwise.inp'... Beginning Time: 16:47:33 Ending Time: 16:47:33 Elapsed Time: 00:00:00 Output saved in 'cfa-alcohol-ML-listwise.out'.
8 Review the Results
Click cfa-alcohol-ML-listwise.out to see the output.