Multiple Group Confirmatory Factor Analysis (Metric Invariance) Example

Multiple Group Confirmatory Factor Analysis (Metric Invariance) Example

Ben Kite and Chong Xing

Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis, University of Kansas

Tags: SEM, Measurement Invariance, Metric Invariance, Equal Loadings, Mplus


Abstract: This guide outlines how to perform the second step/test in measurement invariance testing - metric invariance (or equal factor loadings). The model estimation results can be compared to the Measurement Invariance Example in R.

Table of Contents

1 TITLE Command

This is the second input file for this example.

  Example 3 - Multiple Group Confirmatory Factor Analysis (Metric Invariance)

2 DATA Command

  FILE IS "../../data/job_placement.csv";

3 VARIABLE Command

  id wjcalc wjspl wratspl wratcalc waiscalc waisspl
  edlevel newschl suspend expelled haveld female age;

  wratcalc wjcalc waiscalc wratspl wjspl waisspl;

  MISSING ARE all(99999);

  GROUPING IS female(0=male 1=female);

4 MODEL Command

All of the changes come in the MODEL command. In this model the factor loadings need to be constrained to be equal for both males and females. This is accomplished by including the statements about factor loadings under the "MODEL:" heading, but not repeating them under "MODEL female:". This is telling Mplus to estimate a single factor loading for each item for males and females (Mplus does this by default). The other change is that under the "MODEL female:" heading the latent variable variances are no longer constrained to be equal to 1. The scale of the latent variables are set for the male group (both equal to 1) and the latent variable variances for females are based on that scaling. The constraints on the factor loadings allow for the latent variable variances for females to be freely estimated.

  MATH BY wratcalc* wjcalc waiscalc;
  SPELL BY wratspl* wjspl waisspl;
  [wratspl wjspl waisspl wratcalc wjcalc waiscalc];
  [MATH@0 SPELL@0];

  MODEL female:
  [wratspl wjspl waisspl wratcalc wjcalc waiscalc];

5 OUTPUT Command

Additional output can be requested.


6 Run the Model

mplus cfa-01-2-metric.inp
Mplus VERSION 8.2 (Linux)

Running input file 'cfa-01-2-metric.inp'...

Beginning Time:  11:14:23
   Ending Time:  11:14:23
  Elapsed Time:  00:00:00

Output saved in 'cfa-01-2-metric.out'.

7 Review the Results

Click cfa-01-2-metric.out to see the output.

Last Updated 2019-01-30 Wed 11:14. Created by Emacs 25.1.1 (Org mode 9.1.13)