Multiple Group Confirmatory Factor Analysis (Configural Invariance) Example

Multiple Group Confirmatory Factor Analysis (Configural Invariance) Example

Ben Kite and Chong Xing

Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis, University of Kansas

Tags: SEM, CFA, Measurement Invariance, Configural Invariance, Equal Form, Mplus


Abstract: This guide outlines how to conduct the first step of measurement invariance testing in Mplus - configural invariance (or equal form) test. The manifest variables used in this example are continuous in scale and tested for invariance across gender. This guide is intended for researchers familiar with structural equation modeling. The model estimation results can be compared to the Measurement Invariance Example in R.

Table of Contents

1 TITLE Command

This is the first of three input files for this example

  Example 3 - Multiple Group Confirmatory Factor Analysis (Configural Invariance)

2 DATA Command

  FILE IS "../../data/job_placement.csv";

3 VARIABLE Command

  id wjcalc wjspl wratspl wratcalc waiscalc waisspl
  edlevel newschl suspend expelled haveld female age;

  wratcalc wjcalc waiscalc wratspl wjspl waisspl;
  MISSING ARE all(99999);

There is one important addition in the VARIABLE command, the "GROUPING IS female (0=male 1=female);" line. This tells Mplus that the grouping variable is the female variable, all cases with a 0 on that variable are males, and all cases with a 1 on that variable are females. This must be included in order to conduct a multiple group analysis of any kind.

GROUPING IS female(0=male 1=female);

4 MODEL Command

Here the user needs to specify two models, one for males and another for females. Entries under the "MODEL:" heading are for the male model, and entries under the "MODEL female:" portion are for the female model. In order to test for configural invariance with fixed-factor identification the latent variables are forced to have a mean of 0 and a variance of 1 for each group. The "[MATH@0 SPELL@0];" line is used to set the latent variable means to 0. This allows all measurement parameters (factor loadings, intercepts) to be freely estimated in each group with an identified model. The Mplus default is to constrain item intercepts across groups, this is overcome with the "[wratspl wjspl waisspl wratcalc wjcalc waiscalc];" line included for each model. These commands tell Mplus to estimate the intercepts for each group individually.

  MATH BY wratcalc* wjcalc waiscalc;
  SPELL BY wratspl* wjspl waisspl;
  [wratcalc wjcalc waiscalc wratspl wjspl waisspl];
  [MATH@0 SPELL@0];

  MODEL female:
  MATH BY wratcalc* wjcalc waiscalc;
  SPELL BY wratspl* wjspl waisspl;
  [wratcalc wjcalc waiscalc wratspl wjspl waisspl];

5 OUTPUT Command

Additional output can be requested.


6 Run the Model

mplus cfa-01-1-configural.inp
Mplus VERSION 8.2 (Linux)

Running input file 'cfa-01-1-configural.inp'...

Beginning Time:  11:54:49
   Ending Time:  11:54:49
  Elapsed Time:  00:00:00

Output saved in 'cfa-01-1-configural.out'.

7 Review the Results

Click cfa-01-1-configural.out to see the output.

Last Updated 2019-01-30 Wed 11:54. Created by Emacs 25.1.1 (Org mode 9.1.13)