Ben Kite 2016-01-15 Below are brief summaries of the data files contained the in the example data directory. Job Placement Data Files: The data in the job_placement files are a subset of items collected from job seakers utilizing the Excelsior Springs Job Corps center. These data were graciously provided by Dr. Daryl Mellard. Variable Specification: id: Subject identification number wjcalc: Subject's score on the WJ calculation subtest. (Numeric) wjspl: Subject's score on the WJ spelling subtest. (Numeric) wratcalc: Subject's score on the WRAT calculation subtest. (Numeric) wratspl: Subject's score on the WRAT spelling subtest. (Numeric) waiscalc: Subject's score on the WAIS arithmetic calculations subtest. (Numeric) waisspl: Subject's score on the WAIS spelling subtest. (Numeric) edlevel: What is the highest level of education completed by the subject? (Ordinal) newschl: Did the subject ever change high schools? (Binary: 1=Yes, 0=No) suspend: Has the subject ever been suspended from high school? (Binary: 1=Yes, 0=No) expelled: Has the subject ever been expelled from high school? (Binary: 1=Yes, 0=No) haveld: Has the subject been diagnosed with a learning disorder? (Binary: 1=Yes, 0=No) female: Gender (Binary: 1=Female, 0=Male) age: Age in years (Numeric) Anxiety Data Files: The data in the anxiety files are taken from "Data Analysis with Mplus" by Christian Geiser. The four observed variables represent a measure of anxiety collected at four equally spaced intervals. Insomina Data Files: Need information from Po-Yi Chen, who provided the data. Health Behaviors in School Children (HBSC) Files: These files were subsetted from the original data, which was downloaded from the ICPSR webiste. More information about these data are available here: