//Marcus Daniels August 13, 1999 swarm-support //NEN> I wonder if there is any function to "clean-up" a dynamic //NEN> schedule, i.e., to remove all the unexecuted events/actions that //NEN> may be remaining on it. //Not a nice terse way, but you can do something like below. //(Specifically the "if (t == 2)" conditional.) #import #import #import @interface Controller: Swarm { id schedule; } + createBegin: aZone; - activateIn: swarmContext; - step; @end @implementation Controller + createBegin: aZone { Controller *obj = [super createBegin: aZone]; obj->schedule = [Schedule create: aZone]; return obj; } - createEnd { [super createEnd]; [schedule at: 0 createActionTo: self message: M(step)]; [schedule at: 1 createActionTo: self message: M(step)]; [schedule at: 2 createActionTo: self message: M(step)]; [schedule at: 3 createActionTo: self message: M(step)]; [schedule at: 4 createActionTo: self message: M(step)]; return self; } - step { timeval_t t = getCurrentTime (); printf ("time: %ld\n", t); if (t == 2) { id index = [schedule createIndex: scratchZone fromMember: getCurrentAction ()]; while ([index next: (id *) &t]) { printf ("removing: %ld\n", t); [index remove]; } [index drop]; } return self; } - activateIn: swarmContext { [super activateIn: swarmContext]; [schedule activateIn: self]; return [self getActivity]; } - run { [self activateIn: nil]; [[self getActivity] run]; return self; } @end int main (int argc, const char **argv) { initSwarmBatch (argc, argv); [[Controller create: globalZone] run]; return 0; } /* Local Variables: compile-command: "/opt/gnu/bin/gcc -o s6 -g -Wno-import -L/opt/SUNWtcl/8.0/sun4/lib -R/opt/SUNWtcl/8.0/sun4/lib -L/opt/SDGblt/2.4g/lib -R/opt/SDGblt/2.4g/lib -L/opt/SDGlibffi/1.20/lib -R/opt/SDGlibffi/1.20/lib -L/opt/SDGswarm/1.4.1/lib -L/opt/SDGzlib/1.1.3/lib -L/usr/local/X11/lib -R/usr/local/X11/lib -L/usr/openwin/lib -R/usr/openwin/lib -L/opt/SDGhdf5/1.0.1/lib -I/opt/SDGswarm/1.4.1/include s6.m -lanalysis -lsimtools -lsimtoolsgui -lactivity -ltkobjc -lrandom -lobjectbase -ldefobj -lcollections -lmisc -ltclobjc -ltk8.0 -ltcl8.0 -lBLT -lsocket -ldl -lnsl -L/usr/openwin/lib -lhdf5 -lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11 -lffi -lm -lobjc -lpthread -lposix4" End: */