Marcus Daniels Sept. 29, 2000 swarm-support TTF> 1. Why can't I do a .next on the MapIndexImpl I got from my schedule? I can't reproduce that on W2K using the current 2.1.1-fixes DLLs. Here's my test-program: import swarm.activity.ScheduleImpl; import swarm.activity.Schedule; import swarm.objectbase.SwarmImpl; import swarm.defobj.Zone; import swarm.collections.Index; import swarm.Selector; import swarm.Globals; public class TestMapIndex extends SwarmImpl { static void main (String []args) { Globals.env.initSwarm ("TestMapIndex", "0.0", "", args); TestMapIndex obj = new TestMapIndex (Globals.env.globalZone); obj.buildActions (); obj.test (); } Schedule schedule; public TestMapIndex (Zone aZone) { super (aZone); } public void message1 () { System.out.println ("message1"); } public void message2 () { System.out.println ("message2"); } public Object buildActions () { schedule = new ScheduleImpl (Globals.env.globalZone, true); try { Selector sel1 = new Selector (getClass (), "message1", false); Selector sel2 = new Selector (getClass (), "message2", false);$createActionTo$message (1, this, sel1);$createActionTo$message (2, this, sel2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace (System.err); System.exit (1); } return this; } public void test () { Index index = schedule.begin (getZone ()); System.out.println (index); System.out.println (index.getName ()); System.out.println (index.getName ().toString ()); System.out.println ("first event: " + ()); System.out.println ("second event: " + ()); System.out.println ("third event: " + ()); } } /* Should have output like: $ javaswarm TestMapIndex swarm.collections.MapIndexImpl@a2406b0 swarm.collections.MapIndexImpl swarm.collections.MapIndexImpl first: swarm.activity.ActionToImpl@a2404e0 second: swarm.activity.ActionToImpl@a2403a0 third: null */