I'm new to Swarm. However, I see a lot of people who are also new to Swarm and have questions about installing Swarm on Win95, so I'd like to share my experience.
I have no problems installing and running the heatbug example when I install on C-drive. However, I am still having problems installing Swarm on D-drive ... couldn't compile Heatbugs.
But here are the steps for installing Swarm on Win95, C-drive:
1) Files to download ftp://ftp2.santafe.edu/pub/swarm/win32Swarm.exe ftp://ftp.cygnus.com/pub/gnu-win32/gnu-win32-b19/cdk.exe ftp://ftp.cygnus.com/pub/gnu-win32/gnu-win32-b19/usertools.exe
2) Installing Cygnus Double click on cdk.exe file that you downloaded. It will automatically do the set up. It will ask you which directory you want to install Cygnus in. Leaving it in the default directory (i.e. C:\Cygnus\B19) works the best. Next, double click and install usertools.exe.
3) Installing Swarm Double click on win32Swarm.exe. Install Swarm in C-drive (i.e. C:\Swarm) works the best too.
4) Create tmp folder in C-drive, if you don't already have one.
5) In C-drive, Swarm folder, click on Swarm (i.e. swarm.exe). It will open a window, and with the lines displayed: To build the Swarm libraries, do:
Then, to build a sample Swarm application, say `heatbugs', do:
$ cd swarmapps-1.1/heatbugs $ make
To set up the Swarm environment from the DOS prompt, run "swarm" from the top level Swarm directory. If you see these lines, Swarm works correctly for you so far. Just follow the instructions to compile swarm (i.e. $ make -C swarm-1.1) and compile heatbugs. To run heatbugs, click on heatbugs.exe (in c:\swarm\swarmapps-1.1\heatbugs folder). You should see three windows popping up. Click on "Go" and you should see a window with green dots (heatbugs) moving around.
Hope this helps.
Gek Woo
P.S. If someone could get Swarm working on D-drive, could you let me know how you did it? Thanks.