MGD July 01, 2001 swarm-support. In the common case of one or more step methods that get called frequently, if you you use at$createFAction instead at$createActionTo you can improve performance by significantly reducing the overhead of firing the Action. In the latest snapshot, there are optimizations to further improvement the performance of this approach. Here's a method that creates an FAction for no-argument methods. You call it like so:$createFAction (t, createCall ("step")); public FCall createCall (String name) { try { Selector sel = new Selector (getClass (), name, false); FArguments fa = new FArgumentsImpl (getZone (), sel); return new FCallImpl (getZone (), this, sel, fa); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace (System.err); System.exit (1); } return null; } The reason createFAction is faster than createActionTo is because the latter requires Swarm to forward the call and then re-issue it in Java. When a FAction is fired for a Java method, it involves only a function call. (Then, there are costs inside the Java VM or runtime, but those can't be avoided.)