Communication, Persuasion, Disagreement
Bob Huckfeldt & Paul Johnson
Indiana University
Feb. 12, 2000
Axelrod Culture Model
Grid of "villages" (Agents)
Villages have Features (t1,t2,t3...tN)
Truncated VN-neighborhoods
Randomly select an agent
Randomly select a neighbor
interact with prob= similarity
copy a randomly chosen feature
Swarm Implementation
Current development version 2.1.38 (2001-02-07)
This model written in Objective-C
Technical highlights
multi-agent cells
advanced scheduling concepts
Autodoc output:
Multi-Agent Grid
This allows incorporation
agent movement
Measurement Complications
Axelrod used "regions" and "zones"
New Measures: Aggregate
Entropy: objective indicator of diversity
global: diversity of opinion profiles
feature: diversity of opinion on a feature
Opinion distributions
Levels of change/interaction
New Measures: Individual-level
Agents keep personal records on their perceptions
Acquaintance: proportion of others with whom they have at least one feature
in common.
Harmony: proportion of features shared with cquaintances.
Identicality: proportion of acquaintances with whom one shares all features.
These can be summarized in a variety of ways
Display complications
Grid cells now may have multiple members.
Solution: colors indicate summary indicators of opinions of agents within
a cell.
Axelrod replication 1: typical outome
Axelrod replication 2: diversity?
Parochialism doesn't do much
Parochialism: probability of choosing discussant from own cell.
Parochialism = 0.50
Features = 5
Features = 10 stage
Parochialism=0.99 same result
Multi-Neighborhood Model
Agents from separate Nhoods might interact within the workplace.
Geographical dispersal allows
Importance of "Scheduling" concepts.
Agent movement allows them to:
find new contacts
be found by others
or not!
Our strategy:
divide "day" between homegrid and workgrid
agents move, look for discussants at time of their choosing
Dynamic Decentralized Scheduling (various)
Baseline model: Scheduling within Axelrod paradigm
Same result with 5 neighborhoods
snap1 snap2
snap3 snap4
Variations on Rules
Interactions rules
Coleman model: interact even if there is nothing in common
Select discussant from available agents (various)
Adjustment rules