Paul Johnson 2014-02-11 General Advice. Look for tools that are available across platforms. Don't sell out for something that runs only on one if you don't have to. Multiplatform tools 1. Emacs 2. TexMaker 3. LyX 4. TexWorks 5. Zotero I Urge everybody to try Zotero, a biblio accumulator that can run in the Web browser Firefox. It accumulates cites you like, then you export to bib format. 6. TexMacs. A competitor against Lyx. I've used it sometimes, it can give you a nice new view of a difficult problem. Linux Install the TeXLive distribution packages from your package manager. I do not suggest you try the raw, un-packaged installer. Install LyX. To make spell checking work, you will need to be sure you have the spell checker programs available. On my Ubuntu system right now, I have the "enchant" packages installed, and I am pretty sure that enchant brings in programs like hunspell and aspell with it. If you want to use Sweave or knitr to talk between LaTeX and R, you'll of course need R:) Macintosh Go here and get the 2.2Gig MacTeX .pkg file. WoW. Huge. I may write that on some disks for everybody. That includes TexShop, an editor that people like. I like the editor called "texmaker". I like that partly because it is available on all platforms. Of course, you need LyX. See here for a warning about the install process: Short version. Don't doubleclick Lyx-2.0.x.dmg. Instead, Control click For biblio editing, I use JabRef. That requires you to install Java. Others strongly recommend BibDesk, Lyx-2+ provides the spell checker programs. I'm not sure what MacTeX provides in that regard, maybe we can explore. Windows Here's my strategy on Windows. Get the big LyX installer bundle. Ignore people who tell you that is a wasted of download or that it is too stupid for you. Generally it can be made to work. I wrote out, step by step, my experience installing LyX and the associated files in Windows in my blog. I'll be doing it again soon, maybe making a movie.